outing #79 the sure thing.
Jamie arrived carrying his new Javaman longbow around noon. We caught on up with each other's news and prepared for a cold sit. I don't think it ever got above 7 degrees today.
Keeping Rattlesnake ridge between us, I sent him up into upper Apple Alley and I went to the sure thing.
The wind was light but steady and out of the NW .I made it the stand with out seeing any deer fleeing up the bluff and at the tree added two additional layers. I didn't expect to see deer until the very last minutes of the day and I hoped I cold stay warm enough until then.
At 4 pm I saw three deer enter the clover field below me about 100 yards distant. 15 minutes later and they were in the apple trees just past the edge of the woods. A doe and her two yearling fawns. They each went to various trees that still held frozen fruit and stood on their hind legs in an attempt to reach the treats.
I looked uphill and saw movement on the trail that comes down and goes right past the stand. 2 more does were on their way down. The first veered off the trail at about 25 yards as a morsel under a big oak grabbed its attention. It then cut straight down the hill passing me at about 20 yards. Its sibling came slowly down the trail. I had made sure that I had picked up my bow early and positioned my feet early so that would be no movement from me other than the drawing of my widow. I was ready to take this deer. She was in the lane, stopped and looked away. It was so quiet that I tried to draw my bow ever so slowly . There was the slightest noise of carbon scraping the shelf and she bolted straight forward through the opening and stopped where I could not shoot her! She stood there looking around and then continued on down the hill to join the others on their way to the picked bean field!
You can't get much closer than that! Saved by senses fine tuned to the max.
AS I walked back the full moon cleared the Eastern Bluff and illuminated the hillsides. There were deer everywhere. It was a wonderful afternoon.