Shortly after 1st light I looked over my right shoulder up towards the food plot. Through the foliage I can see into the plot. It sort of glows lime green. I spotted deer legs moving now and again. I kept watch in that general direction but heard a slight noise to my left. A big doe was coming down the logging road that passes to the left of tree and a 2nd was trailing her about 30 yards behind. As I slowly turned to get ready my harness caught some hickory bark ( they don't call it shag bark for no reason) the doe heard that and jumped to her left but then stopped at about 15 yards out. She was at full alert. The 2nd doe stopped dead in her tracks. They both became statues for next 5 minutes and then slowly but stiff legged walked away from me to the west.
15 minutes later I see a doe and fawn moving along the fence line west of me about 75 yards away.
Not 10 minutes goes by and I hear a deer walking towards me again from the direction of the food plot. Another solo doe , this one a little smaller. The wind was slight but out of the south and as she entered my shooting lane, her head went back and her nose went up! Busted! . She whirls but only goes a couple of paces and turns around. Stands there, doing the old head bob looking directly up and at me. I don't move a muscle. Eventually she begins to move forward towards me. She wants to head past me and swings just wide enough that an easy shot disappears . She gives me a 20+ yards shot and I decide to let her pass.
15 minutes later I hear once again the foot falls of a deer. Coming my way is a spike buck still in velvet. He steps in to the shooting lane and his nose goes up. Except he just stands there scenting the air and looking up at me but my camo is working and he is not catching enough scent to spook and he gradually moves on by.
After enough time I went by, I slowly turned and removed a wool vest and fleece hat from my pack. I had begun to shiver and was no where near ready to leave. After putting on the additional clothing , I decided to sit for a bit and hung the bow on a branch.