One more, this brought back a hunt 3 years ago on public land in western ks, I scouted a finger of brush about 3/4 mile of the main creek bottom.
It was up in the cow pasture had few hardwood trees 3 or 4 rest was cedars.
It was maybe 35 or 40 yards wide raneast/west, perfect, saw big tracks, and plenty of doe trafiic.
Cut me a whole in a cedar tree, got a towering 6 feet off the ground. Does tricked down the ditch till about 10am, there was crops 3/4 mile away to the west.
At 1030 am I heard a loud grunt a doe pops out, and so does a 150 8 point 22 inches wide. She walks by, he stops and never would come out of this group of cedars, maybe 10 or 15 of them 7 to 8 feet tall. He went back in the there walked around all day, layed down, I could she his feet, he was about 30 yards away. All afternoon little bucks would walk up and down this finger get in the cedars and come flying out, he would run them off. I sat there till dark, he never would come out.
Long story short, I had a cedar tree on each side of the ditch, the wind would change I would get in the other. I hunted this buck for 4 days, at 830 am u could about set ur watch to italmost he would come running from the wide open from a different direction every am and would check does as they came down the finger from this patch of cedars.
I knew it was a matter of time, but never could get him to come out. The only time he did come out the windwas blowing 30 to 40 miles per hour.
Other hunters invalided the area and the jig was over, but very interesting.