I've hunted it twice in years past. I killed a pretty decent 7-pointer the first year. The biologist aged him at 4 1/2. It's a cool place but I noticed this year they're allowing some 4-wheeler permits. The fact there were no 4-wheelers running around before is one of the things that appealed to me most. I ain't skeered to walk a bit. I'm not necessarily anti 4-wheeler. I have no problem with people who have some kind of a handicap using them but, you know folks will abuse the privilege. Heck, I saw it first hand. A guy with a legitimate handicap permit was carrying all his buddies around to and fro. That ain't what it's for in my opinion. Personally, I think the 4-wheelers will take away from the experience. It'll be interesting to see how the deer react. The deer there aren't exposed to them all year long. Now they will be for those few hunt days.