Glad you are enjoying the wheelie sharpener. I love mine and use it all of the time. They especially shine with the Simmons style heads. You don't need to take off much metal. If you play with the angle a little bit, you can use it for lots of things. If can quickly take a burr off from a single bevel too, if you use only light pressure and the right angle. For me, apart from a plane bastard file, it is the most versatile piece of sharpening equipment available. Small enought to stick in almost any size pocket, inexpensive, works great on nearly all 2 blades, and extremely quick to use. If you hit rocks, you still need to use a file(half round for simmons heads) to take the big nicks out. Lots of people have killed lots of game with light bows having sharpened the heads with nothing but the RADA wheel. There are other methods available that put a great edge on, but I haven't found it to be necessary for me.