Public land DIY in Colorado.
Well we got him packed out and on ice. A mile and a quarter! I'm whipped folks lol
I had found a wallow the first day we hunted by base camp. I setup a camera and hunted about 100 yards below. Heard elk up near the wallow. The next day we hiked to spike camp so I didn't go back to that wallow until today. I had sat on a fence crossing this morning till 8 then started slipping up to my camera. I saw a flash of brown then saw a herd of cows, calves and a spike come down 54 yards from me. No shot they ran back up the mountain when they saw me. I waited a few then continued stalking up. I got to the camera and backed off down wind about 20 yards and started looking at the pics. Only had one elk pic so I figured I would sit a while. Wasn't 15 minutes I see him coming! He zigged back and forth coming to the the wallow. He got broad side and I drew and let the arrow fly. He only ran 10 yards and stopped, then walked another 25 yards and started to wobble, then killed over
I walked to where he was standing and I ranged back to the tree i was sitting by, the shot distance was 20 yards. The entrance was low behind the shoulder and broad head exited behind the other shoulder.