The time we spent in the thicket with the bulls was somewhere between forty minutes and an hour. Time flies when you're having fun, and we were just getting started!
Now, before I get into the broken hearts part of the story, I need to mention that in Montana you can(almost always) shoot a cow or a bull on your general tag during the archery season. Additionally, we had an extra cow tag for the specific unit.
With that out of the way, lets get back to the action. When I hit the edge of the timber, it was just in time to freeze as a large cow came walking through the aspens, heading directly towards my buddy, which would bring her broadside just past me. I glanced to my left, and saw a shooting lane if I slid forward. Next I glanced back at her, waited till her head was behind a tree, and... slid forward, obviously.
On she came, like a scene from the perfect dream hunt. She even went so far as to stop, broadside, right in my shooting lane. I canted the bow over, to avoid hitting the ground (I was kneeling at this point), and slowly drew the arrow back and snugged into my anchor point...