The next few minutes will be forever etched in my memory. The movement which distracted me was a massive 6x6 bull walking in from my right at about 25 yards. He also looked like he was ten yards closer than he was, and now I had trouble. Instead of one pair of eyes to contend with I had 3 or 4. I decided (very hurriedly mind you) that the cow and bull at 60 yards were not an issue. So I focused on finding a moment when the cow at 40 yards (who was now at 25) and the bull at 25 would look away.
Divine intervention happened so rapidly I was left nearly immobilized. The cow decided to shy away from the big bull, and in the process removed herself from view. Meanwhile, the big bull stopped walking(perfectly broadside as well). He blinked once, licked his chops to free some grass from his teeth, and turned to look straight away from me. The second arrow was already on the string. I found myself at full draw once again, this time with a sapling blocking my shot at the heart and lungs.
Well a measly sapling wasn't gonna stop me. I leaned backwards, canting the bow past 90 degrees, and focused on the spot I needed to hit. I had a 6" wide window between the sapling and the ball joint in the shoulder. This shot needed to hit the crease, and perfectly to boot. Suddenly, the arrow was away, and I watched it arc towards the magnificent bull, and...
I need to order a coffee, I'm at Starbucks right now. BRB