The change from using site pins, to learning to shoot instinctive was one of the most humbling things i think I've ever done. But.... it was also one of the most satisfying things.
In my case i sold my fancy bow and bought a band saw...
I have other weapons that could be used for harvesting game, and i see no reason to get rid of them. I think if i really needed the meat, i would most likely choose something other than a traditional bow to hunt with.
But the reason i chose to hunt this way is for the challenge. To challenge myself to become a better hunter. To make commitment to master the bare bow takes dedication and time.
The first few times i had elk at 35 yards and knew i had to get closer to get a decent shot, surprisingly it didn't faze me a bit. It frustrated my hunting partners to no end because they are meat hunters first, and like the idea of having the advantage of shooting longer distances with extreme accuracy....
shooting a compound bow with sights is more like hunting with a rifle to me. Only you need to be really good at guessing yardage, or use a range finder.....
Traditional bow hunting has become a passion to me.... I hold no ill feelings for anyone using any weapon as a means to harvest their game.
bottom line is this is a lot more fun.... Kirk