I use what's called a rope ratchet to hang moose quarters, etc in the garage. It looks just like the pic Whip posted, except there is no metal pulley.
Probably no real mechanical advantage but is nice as when you stop pulling the "ratchet" locks the line in place, so you don't have to dog it off.
Cheap, $10 or so. To use it I usually pull up the meat with one hand or bear hug it and raise it up, then take the slack up through the ratchet with the other hand.
Really hadn't considered packing it before, but it's very light and using one or more could help one person get an animal out of a tight spot. Again, it really only helps when by yourself as its function is to save the difficulty of dogging a tight line off when by yourself.
Probably not worth packing around for stuff caribou-size or smaller, unless you wanted to hang a smaller animal.