Thanks guys, and thanks Brianlocal3, the ASL is the direction I have been moving for a while. I actually like the progression I took, or rather regression, from wheels all the way back to the ASL. (Not trying to make a chronological timeline of bow styles, just a "basics" mentality). I seldom tell my wife much about my bows, she would get bored too fast, but the shear generosity and kindness associated with this bow required me to explain the specialness of it all. Plus, if TG has ever put some fraternal mojo into a stick it has got to be this one. I am absolutely stoked to get it in my hands and let it take me back to everything I have ever loved about the challenge, simplicity, and tradition of archery. Can't say the "HH bug bit me" without it in my hands, but the bug is definitely crawling up a pant leg.
Mcbowguy- that is a great looking bow, I can see the love that went into it!