My wife last October, "leave that mama turkey and her babies alone." I did, we saw them frequently, 4 little hens and 3 little jakes. The only other turkeys in the valley last fall were two jakes and one tom. I had a chance at one those last fall, but the cover was thicker than I trusted to get an arrow through. The other day, I saw the seven youngsters, did a couple of purrs and three of the young hens came straight to my jake decoy. Minutes later a tom with a three inch bird charged in and started strutting about 6 or 7 yards in front of me. I raised my Morningstar, drew came to a tight anchor and let down. Then once again did his strutting dance, I raised my bow again, drew again and let down. The last thing I wanted to do was to harm that turkey, I think my turkey season is over.