It is very tempting to hunt with them like this. I know the shaving sharp guys would say that, but I have on all but one deer shot with standard Hills had the serration, that one was sharpened with the welded metal carbide sharpener that Hill sold years ago. I know I still have it, I just cannot find it. I have shot deer with my single bevel from the Hill blanks that were shaving sharp, but that is a whole different critter when they are single bevel and matching the fletch. I made up a set of Surewoods and test shot these, one at a time, out of my Morningstar. Perfect, so I sharpened them up to keep me from shooting them all day. Last year I made a set with old style 160 Grizzlies and tried to test all six at once, which left me with three broadhead arrows, one net length blunt and a couple of short tomato stakes.