Well my dog Buddy was right. Think I will keep giving him good food and fancy toys. On the third stand had two real pretty ones come in .But not close enough. In the early after noon two little ones come in but was small so I let them go. Late in the day see one coming in real slow . Sits at 100 or yards for a while then comes in still coming in slow . I seen then its limping has a bad back leg. Gets to 15 yards and just looks at the decoy. Stands there for a few moments then turns and starts walking away ,looks like its in bad shape. I give it a lip squeek and it stops and turns to me . The arrow hits right below its neck, it falls over and goes to sleep. Bumbed up back leg and real skinny and small. I really do not think this guy had too much longer to go.
a bit closer
Left half my stuff at home so the phone had to play camera today. Listen to your dogs.