Back again from the mountain. I'm having some really nice hikes, but the elk hunting has sucked. First, it was hot, but I was seeing some elk and even got a couple of 'just one more step' opportunities where they didn't take that last step. Then, the moo cows took over the country and no elk or fresh elk sign was seen.
This should be the big rut, but I haven't heard a bugle since the first week of September, and I am watching several wallows that have not been touched as yet. Then, the cowboys moved in a couple of days ago and got rid of the cows, but had a great time being cowboys and running their horses around the woods to the point that if elk had been there, they would have left. So, I will head back in a couple of days and there should be; No moo cows; no cowboys; the weather is supposed to get cool and wet; and I have yet to see another hunter. So, hope still springs eternal for this elk hunter.
Maybe the definition of insanity being continuing to do the same thing and expecting a different result may apply to me at this point, but you can't catch a fish if your line ain't in the water, so, as in the Mark Baker song goes, "I'll keep on trying" til the end of the season; then the whitetails and turkeys had better look out.