I've got this little acreage that I hunt near home. It's 5 minutes from walking out the back door of my house to slipping into my pack and easing the door shut on my truck.
Like some of my other favorite spots permission to hunt the farm came out of the blue.
I was visiting with some of my friends after church one day when a fellow I had just gotten to know walked over to say hi.
We are about the same age and shared a common ground in that we are both veterans of the Viet Nam era. He having been aboard ship in the Navy and me a leg Marine grunt.
Opposite ends of the military spectrum in the eyes of some, but brothers none the less.
At one point he blurted out, "I hear you like to bowhunt?" Nobody has to know me very long before they find that out about me. The bowhunting addiction seeps through my skin like a tattoo on my forehead.
"I sure do", was my modest reply. I didn't expect the conversation to go much further.
Without any beating around the bush he said, "you can come and hunt my property if you want."
You could have pushed me over with a feather.
With professional cool I replied,"uh, wha, oh, why, I uh, REALLY? And that was the beginning.
I would find out that I wasn't alone on the property, but I might as well could have been. The other two hunters only showed up on the occasional weekend and maybe a couple of days during the last week of the archery season before firearms season started.