On Monday afternoon as I was walking across a grass field to my deer stand up ahead about 100 yards I could see turkeys in the corner of the field. I got down and looking through my binos could see there were about 20 hens and poults. They eventually made there way through a fence line I was following and went into another field that had higher grass and weeds. I put the deer hunt on hold and decided to sneak along the thick fence line and maybe get a shot at one of those birds.
I knocked an arrow and started down the fence line which provided me with good cover. I got to where I thought they crossed the fence line and saw a bird in the grass field about 30 yards. Two more birds appeared in the tall grass about 20 yards all I could see was there heads and necks. I came to full draw, picked a spot, and released my arrow just missing the one on the left. Another turkey came into view about 15 yards away, I already had another arrow knocked, came to full draw, aimed at its neck, and released my arrow. The shot looked good and I thought I heard the hit but my bird disappeared in the tall grass. Suddenly the whole flock of turkeys took off and flew towards the woods, then all was quiet.
Did I hit that bird or did I miss again? I started walking towards my bird and heard some thrashing in the grass. Yes! There was my bird about 5 yards from where I hit her. I hit her right where I was looking and broke her neck. I used a Howatt Hi-Speed 45# @ 28" with a two blade Stinger and Predator II carbon express shafts to take my First Turkey with a bow.