Like alot of others I started out with an old bear bow, as a kid. Didn't hunt much with it, but figured out a homemade bowfishing rig. Spool was a big tuna can, string was nylon cord, and modified fish arrows. Didn't kill a lot, but the fish in the farm pond were scared!
Gun hunted for deer in my youth. Then the archery bug got back in my blood. Shot a wheelie for several years. Had a room full of trophies and ribbons, from 3 D shoots. Several critters on the pole, but wasn't what I wanted.
A group of us hunted on the Tombigbee River for years. It was a bow only area. One day we all met up for dinner, then started roving and stump shooting. I was the only one in our camp with a wheelie. They were having so much fun, that I tried it with my bow. A few ruined arrows later, I knew I couldn't comepte with their sticks!
At the last hunt of that year, a friend suggested I get a stick. So I was hooked.
Sterling said he would build me a bow and I could practice and hunt with it the next season. Well things changed and he couldn't build me a bow. I sure was disapointed, until he came out of the Teepee with an Osage Selfbow, that belonged to him. Its name was "Horse". He put it in my hands and told me to learn! Everyone says that was the first time to see me without something to say. Been hooked ever since. Took my first trad deer with it that next season.
Sterling and Russ, another friend, provided me with an Osage stave, and a bunch of advice and mentoring, and I got my first Charcter/Spirit selfbow built. Now you won't see me without that ole crooked stick and a quiver full of river cane, when I head to the River.
I owe much to these two fellows for guidence and friendship over the years. They really lit the fire.