I went out early & alone this morning.....
I decided to sit in my ladder stand, down by the swamp. I was slowly stillhunting my way down to my stand, and 2 heads popped up, about 30 yards away!!! I'm sure we were all thinking the same thing,at the same time,LMAO!!! (HOLY CRAP!!!!!) I honestly never seen them untill thier heads popped up. It was 2 twin Spikehorns... We all froze, but they were the first to head for cover!!! (I'm sure if they knew I only had 2 doe tags in my pocket, They'd have hung around for a chat!) No matter how hard I try, I can't find a bald head, to save my A$$!!!!!
I finished picking my way down to my stand,and climbed up in. About an hour, I saw a few turkeys on the other side of the swamp. They picked thier way around the edge of the swamp, and past my stand about 40 yards away without giving me a shot. There was 8 of them,all Jakes...
Idk what the problem is, all the women used to LOVE me!!! Now, they avoid me like the plaque!!!!! :confused: