10 degrees with a steady east wind blowing between 15-20mph. Perfect weather to hunt a little thick spot by my house where the deer like to bed on days like today. Very similar to the Island of trees, if you've ever been to one of Shawn's hunts.
So I start slipping along, a little faster than I should have been, and come across some tracks that are pretty darn fresh considering that it's been snowing lightly most of the day. 5 feet ahead there is a small opening, if I can get there it will be a good spot to take a good look around, I get about 2 feet and 5-6 deer jump up and move off.
Fortunately when it's cold like this they don't go far if they're not spooked bad. I slow my pace and head in the direction they went. Soon I see them up ahead, about 40 yards out. They bed back down. I decide to hang there until they get back up. 1/2 hour later my hands are burning so bad from the cold ( light cotton glove on bow hand and only shooting glove on drawing hand) I've got to make a decision, now I can only see two of the deer, both bedded, facing away from me. So I work on closing the distance. After a super slow stalk, I'm 25 yards away, but it's way to thick for a shot. Hands are hurting bad now, the deer get up, if they go to my left, they will give me a twenty yard shot through some openings, if they go to the right...they're gone. They slowly start working to my left....come on girls, just ten more yards and I've got a shot! Wait! what's that? wind shift? c'mon, it's been steady all day! You guessed it, they change direction and head to the right, out of the thick stuff and across the road. So close....hands are almost thawed as I type this.