Wed., Oct. 16th... Although I got off of work in time to head straight out to the woods for a couple hours. I opted to go to sleep....
I'd been thinking about 2 spots I needed to scout. I turkey hunt both of these areas every spring and usually find some great deer sign....but for some reason seem to forget about them during deer season.
This year I yesterday I decided it was time to check them out...and if they showed promise....set them up.
The first spot is an edge along an old orchard. The deer come from the working orchard and head toward this area. I always seem to see deer during the spring while turkey hunting in this area.
When I got there, it was evident by the trails, that it was worth getting a tree ready for a stand.
I drilled a double oak tree with my Woodpecker drill. Because of the cover of the tree, I was able to keep the set-up about 10-12ft up. Nice and low, with good cover....Now all I have to do is carry my Lone Wolf Assault in with me, drop my pegs in the holes, and hang my stand....looking forward to hunting this set...
Then I headed for an Oak flat that the deer use as they come out of an orchard, then head up the mountain.
Every spring has good sign on it. For years I've overlooked this area for deer hunting....not sure why....
I had some thoughts in my head about what I hoped I'd find.....and I wasn't disappointed!
So I drilled the tree...
Then went back to my truck, and grabbed a stand. Walked back in and hung it. While I was clearing shooting lanes I found this 15yds. from the stand...
This set-up has a great back door entry.....I'm really looking forward to getting back in to hunt this one and see what was making those magnum rubs!!