First this:
Went up to Jim Dussias's (tarponut)property this weekend for a 3 day hunt and had a great time. Also got to meet another Tradganger from across the atlantic, Brian (Jim told me his handle on here but I forgot), great guy and he scored big as well but I'll let him tell his own story
Anyway Friday evening found me in one of the newer stands, heard some commotion behind me and then 2 big black sows came around from my left and upwind and started to make their way around me, I was getting ready to shoot and waiting for a good lane to open up when they got downwind of me and caught a whiff of something they didn't like. They bolted out of there pretty quick, man those hogs are smart! My heart was thumping pretty hard
Here's a view from where I was sitting, it's a great spot:
Next morning found me getting in late but went to a different spot anyway to see if anything would show up, heard some rustling in the deep grass and saw some movement but nothing fully materialized was my own fault for getting there late and I wasn't happy with myself lol :
That evening found me in another pretty sweet spot, well shaded and with a nice breeze coming in: