Took some time last night and measured some carbon shaft diameters.
Although I don't believe they are no longer being manufactured, but for those who have them, the Blackhawk Vapor Carbonwoods 3000s and 4000s have the same outside diameter of around .293" and 2117 slide perfectly over for footing. I say around because the textured wood pattern makes it hard to receive a true reading, but anyhow the 2117s work nicely on both Carbonwoods, as do they for 3Rivers Easton Traditional Only 500 shafting of outside diameter of around .292".
Easton Traditional Only 400s are a little thicker with outside diameter of around .303", and although they can be forced inside a 2117, the 2219s or 2216s would work.
Easton Traditional Only 600s are a lot skinnier and measure around .275, and although I didn't have any aluminum shafting adequate for that size, I know they will not fit inside 2018s.