Well sorry about the delay guys but I got him! We didn't get through cleaning him until about 2 this morning because we had a heck of a drag. Thanks for all the encouragement! Here's the story.
So it was pretty hot here yesterday evening but of course I had to go since it was opening day. I scouted a spot last week on National forest land here that was very promising and the wind was perfect for it. I was at the base of a big ridge and right beside an overgrown clear-cut that was a perfect bedding area. The best thing was that I found 3 water oak trees that were raining acorns so I decided to set up right in the middle of them.
It was hot on the way in and I was sweating terribly but that couldn't stifle the excitement of finally being back in the woods. I set up facing south, with the clear-cut to my left. I climbed about 18 feet up a sweet gum tree between the 3 water oaks. About 15 yards between me and the clear-cut was a branch about 10 feet deep that had a small amount of water trickling through it. Here's a pic of my set up
Well at five o'clock I watched two does come out of the clear-cut and then feed away from me toward some more acorn trees. This made me worry a little and I really started to doubt my scouting. Then at about 6:05 something caught my attention coming out of the same trail. All I could see was an ear twitching and then antlers! My heart started racing but all I could think of was the fact the does had went the other way. Sure enough he walked parallel to me and started feeding at about 80 yards and I couldn't see him. I really started kicking myself and thinking I should have put more time in scouting and maybe I would have found that trail. I lost him in the brush, but then I heard the tell tale sound of leaves crunching headed my way. I stood up and faced the clear-cut (since I'm left handed) and I begin to see antlers bobbing up and down headed my way. The buck came up to the edge of the branch and then hopped in it! O how my heart started to beat! I thought I might lose my footing ha well he milled around the creek and even drank some water before easing my way walking in the water. I had one opening at 18 yards and told myself I would shoot him there. Before he got to my opening, he turned and bounded up the bank on my side. He was now 12 yards! He began to feed on the edge of the branch but it was too thick for a shot. I remember thinking just how lucky I was to be in this situation with this beautiful animal and what a blessing from the Good Lord.
Finally he turned and started to walk behind my tree, and I had one opening at 9 steps. I drew back and as he hit the opening I burned a hole in his heart and let it fly. Then THWWACK!!