Lakota styles out of heavy latigo leather..not the soft elk or deer hide that need a rod for stiffener.
Collar rolls back for easy access that exposes the fletching entirely for roving or while on stand. Roll it out and secure and shearling goes to inside to help hold arrows in place more and give protection to fletching from weather and brush.
I have GN strap on and quick mounts...I have a very nice back quiver made by our own Rob DiStefano years ago. Still I prefer my Lakota styled quiver I bought from someone in back of Traditional Bowhunter Magazine in early 90s...heavy leather, quiet, versatile and protects the arrows and fletching.
This is my rack downstairs for bows I am shooting all the is obviously on right side. The two arrows you see sticking out are some full length shafts with small game heads on them so over 32 inches in length easily. My others are usually 30.5-31.0 inches and fully covered except for very end of fletching and nock.