Well I get the bows out and start tuning. I figured between the two I could get one of them to shoot for me. Well guess what, they both shoot awesome. Only problem, with the factory strings they are loud as crap. I caledl Curt again and he tells me they need Skinny strings to get them quiet. For anyone else they would probably be ok but it really bothers me to try to hunt with a loud bow. Well SBD strings are 2 to 4 weeks out so here I am again back to square one. I pull out all my old strings I had about 20 or 30 surly I could find one that would work on one of the bows. I spent the better part of 2 days trying different strings on the bows, trying to find one that would suit me. It was a long process and I was starting to get pretty bummed. Let me just say that these bows flat out shoot, arrow flight and accuracy are not a problem. I was just about to give up and I found a red string in the bottom of the box. The light went on when I saw it, I remember this string, It was made for a 62" bow and the guy that made it, made it to short. He didn't charge me for it and told me to keep it and he sent me another one. Just so happens it was a skinny string. I put it on my Kodiak set the brace height to 8" and man it shot just like the old Super K did. Quiet, no had shock arrows fly like darts. Curt was right again..