I've never been one of those scent freak hunters who watch every little exposure to foreign odors. I do, however, keep my clothes in a Tupperware container, use scent free shampoo for the next 3 months and choose a deodorant that gets the job done without all the glamour.
The one thing that I do and do religiously is watch the wind and here's how I do it. I have 6 properties that are located in between where I work and live, so most weekdays I'm able to hit the woods on my way home. Just prior to leaving my office I pull out a folder that has an aerial photo of each of my properties. I than click on the weather channel on my phone and take a quick look at the "hour by hour" wind directions. This provides me breakdown of what the wind should be when I arrive at my stand and what it should be the last few minutes of shooting light. Some of my stand locations are known for squirrelly winds, so I take that into account.
Now, rather than kicking around the idea of what stand to sit the process becomes very black and white. One key point, rather than looking for the wind to be totally in in my favor, I look for wind directions that are "just in my favor", providing the deer a little false sense of comfort as they move through the woods.
Here's a few of my aerial photos to give you an idea of how quick and easy this method of choosing a stand can be.