Looks like Kansas action is heating up!
I got out yesterday morning. I had a buck pass me to the south (no shot opp) headed toward my buddy's stand 100+ yds away. Around 9am I had a yearling show up from behind my stand. He slowly made his way down to the creekbed to have a drink. I whipped out the cell pone to take some pics and he finally spotted me. I had no intention on taking this deer, but when he threw his tail up and started stomping in the creekbed, I knew it wouldn't be long before every deer in the county knew where my stand was. Where he stands in the first picture is where he turned broadside and I gave in to the temptation of tender yearling steaks on the grill. I focused on a tuft of hair just above the elbow, hit autopilot and hit him low, deflecting off the top of the elbow. This flattened the angle of travel and the arrow went flat through the heart. He bounded twice and fell over. The second picture shows where he lay in relation to where he was hit. Nice size for dragging 700+ yards back to the truck!

Now it's time to hunt for my first big buck (any decent antlers will do!)
Holzrichter Custom Longbow 50@ 28"
Easton Axis Traditional 500 shaft (full length)w/75 grain brass insert
Muzzy Fred Eichler series Phantom 150 grain 4 blade broadhead
Total arrow weight: 509 grains.