We are seeing a lot of young bucks running around in the daylight working scrapes and harrasing does and fawns. Every once and a while the big guys show up grab a doe and are gone for a few days to a week again. Still seeing some fighting and bucks showing up broken and limping but it always happens this time of year. It's a good time to be in the woods you never know what's going to show up next. Here's a few of the smaller bucks I've had in front of my blinds in the last week maybe it will fire you up to get out there some more.
This buck is limping very bad on a back leg but still hitting scrapes .

He new I was in the blind and kept coming back

Nice body for a young 8pt

Lots of 8's this year

Really nice 4 year old but both G1's are broken off

My brother did take a very old buck last weekend that had been missing for a couple years but showed back up. He had gone down hill a lot but but was a awesome character buck with some crazy bases. 20 points total and we pulled his jaw/teeth and aged him at 9.5yrs old. I have picks of him back to 2007.

Get out there! And Happy Thanksgiving