Well, I've all but given up on the rest of the season this go round. Decemeber and now January have been tough months on the family this year. My dad found out that he was anemic and after a weekend in the hospital, he's back to being Dad. A week later, my father in law in MS had a stroke while on stand and fell to the ground below, breaking his back and taking a massive blow to the head. He's still in the ICU in Jackson after two weeks and has been stable for several days. Needless to say, hunting took a hard backseat for a long while.
I did get out on New Years Eve with a wheelie buddy, who shot low through the brisket on a doe, rather harmlessly, as when on the trail later that afternoon, blood was spotty and very transparent for over a mile. Hate to see that happen, because as easily as we followed her signature tracks, I'm sure a coyote or two caught up to her and gave her a hard time.
I may try to get out this weekend to hunt another doe for the freezer, but we'll see.