Well the morning began before light. The long walk in was through here but very dark at that time.

The first visitor to the acorns was this little fella. After feeding for a while he let me know what he thought of me being in his spot.

I heard him at sun up slipping through the cornfield behind me. He got to my path in and stopped to asses the strange smell. He then crossed my path and proceeded to jump the fence to get to the acorns.
The second visitor slipped in silently behind me unheard.

So after he left I sat for a while with no action. I began texting Lowebow to check his progress. While typing back and forth for some time I send him "Well looks like the party's over". He texts back that he is going to sit until 10 so I decided to sit for a while longer. As soon as I was about to answer him again I look around and see two does and two fawns working my way off to my right down the fence. They are on my side in the woods and I know they are coming my way as the fence my tree is in will funnel them right in front of me.
I stuff my phone in my pocket and grab my bow off the hook and stand to wait for them. The first doe walks by with the two young ones in tow. The second doe was a touch larger so I waited on her. She immediately passed in the footsteps of the others as I put pressure on the string. She was coming about 5 steps from my tree broadside and at a pretty good pace so I let out a low bleat. She slammed on the brakes and looked through the fence for the responsible party.
All she heard then was a low "Thump" then felt the sting on her side as she bounded off with her three buds. As she was running off I noticed my arrow falling out on the opposite side of her. The shot was perfect (I am pretty good at 5 yards).
I watched her exit path and thought I heard her tump over. I waited a while and texted Lowebow and Zipperbows back letting them know of my good fortune. They weren't very happy as we have a annual doe harvest contest with the winner getting their choice of suds.
Getting down I snapped some shots of the stand.

Its good to find this at the site of the shot.

At five yards

At 10 yards