First off, I got to say that I'm having a very blessed year. I decided to hunt hear the house this morning on a small acre lot that has been fruitful over the past couple of years. I climbed up the stand just before sun up. Well about 30 minutes later, I had a total of about 6 does feeding under me. I had decided that I wasn't going to take one and was waiting on one of the three bucks that I had seen in the area to appear. About an hour after the past on, I came this single doe @ 15yds. After toying with the idea on whether or not to take her, I decided that since my 58" 56# @ 28" Gene Sanders Mantis II longbow, had not drawn blood, now was the time. I hit anchor & watched the arrow disappear a but further back that I had planned. She ran about 10yds and laid down.
The excitement didn't end there. I later saw an little 8pt buck come in and a nice wide 10pt come in at about 25 yds, but the 10 would give me a shot that I would have been comfortable taking, so I let him go for another day.
When I got down to recover my "doe", I learned unfortunately that it was a "button". However, I'm thankful and blessed for this offering.
Gene Sanders - Mantis II 56# @ 28"
Surewood Shaft 70-70#
140gr Grizzly Broadhead