It was great Morning. Here's the tale.
I spent most of the day last Thursday looking for crossings and funnels on some new ground I have to hunt. Hardly any acorns on this place and 95% of it is planted pines and most are very thick. A few clearcuts here and there mostly a gun hunters dream . I hunt only with a stickbow so I knew I would have to find some "tight" spots.
I found a narrow creek that I could shoot all the way across and found three crossings close enough that I could shoot to all three. Had a good wind yesterday evening so I went in and climbed with my climber. Really fine bottom...
I sat till dark yesterday evening and did not see a deer. I was back in the tree this Morning at the crack of dawn. I got everything in order and sat back to enjoy things coming to life. Heard some Turkeys yelping up the creek and squirrels were busy in the water oaks scattered in the bottom.
I heard some limbs breaking and a deer walking toward me coming down the creek and not across. It was still a little early and hard to see but I finally made out a deers legs headed my way. After a minute it was easy to tell it was a nice buck. I had put some doe pee around me to hopefully stop a deer that was coming through to fast and this buck walked straight to it. At 7 yards I had a bad angle and had to just look as He stood for maybe a couple of minutes. Long enough for my legs to shake almost uncontrollably . He then acted like he smelled a rat and started a couple of stiff legged steps away. I had a softball size opening between us and the bow was up and the arrow gone without thought. I heard the hit crack and the deer ran hard and low and busted into the thicket on the other side of the creek and in a few seconds all was quiet.
I was shaking badly and sat back down wondering about the shot as it seemed to be a blur and it looked like a lot of arrow was sticking out.
After about 45minutes I could take it no more and climbed down after shooting a judo tipped arrow in the spot where the deer was standing. Things look different on the ground you know.
My climber is on the tree and you can see the judo arrow in the dirt in front of it. The deer was moving from the right to left in the pic.
I found blood quick and trailed the deer to the thicket. It took a trail going in and after about 30 yards I lost blood. I spent and hour looking up and down the trail for blood and found none. I was getting worried for sure. I went back and started looking at everything closer and found where the deer had left the trail and ran through a thicker thicket. After getting the trail straightened out there was blood a plenty...
I`m shooting the newer Grizzly Kodiak 200 grain head. This is the second deer I have killed with this same head and I love them. I shoot light wt. bows these days and focus on getting very close shots so I went with a narrow head to help get an exit. I am impressed with these heads to say the least.
After crawling through vines , briars and such I looked ahead and saw this..
One happy redneck because at one time I thought I had lost this deer.
I gotta rethink my way of shooting deer because my longbow is much quieter than any bow I`ve hunted with. In short my deer ain`t squatting .
I did shoot three inches to the right though...
Thank you Lord.RC