Been there, done that. First, you might be putting pressure on yourself, based on your story. If your shooting from a stand (tree), practice from an elevated stand. Canting the bow helps IMO, but depends on your style. Secondly, focus on a spot, don't look at the whole target (deer). Finally, shooting without coming to anchor and not aiming, is something you want to correct. Start by shooting into a bale, without a target at 10 yds. The emphasis is on picking a spot and completing everything correctly. Shoot a few arrows correctly, then quite and wait until the next day. Your developing a learned behavior and training your muscles. There is no point in practicing bad habits. Continue the practice for a week or two and anytime you feel the urge to shoot without coming to full draw.
Remember, shooting is a learned muscle response and it is important to practice correctly. Picking a spot on a target is easier than a deer for some. It is a matter of practice. Draw on a target and let it down. You want to be able to take your practice into the field, with the same results. Switching back to a Comp...d won't help you build the confidence, and correct habits. Hang in there, what your experiencing is quiet common.