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Author Topic: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)  (Read 4594 times)

Offline Jake Scott

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #20 on: October 16, 2013, 07:18:00 AM »
Couldn't agree more with everyone else.  I am also in hot pursuit of my first trad harvest.  The missed opportunities thus far (4, one on what would probably have been a pope and young whitetail) have only fueled the fire, to the point that I wake up in the middle of the night with bow hunting on my mind.  My advice is this:  Hunting is about pursuit as much as it is about the harvest.  Dust yourself off, grit your teeth, get back on stand and try again.  PURSUE the traditional mindset, no different than you would a game animal.  I wish you all the best luck.  Hang in there!!!!


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Offline RedShaft

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #21 on: October 16, 2013, 07:24:00 AM »
I struggle with this delema all the time. Here is what I can tell you. Do what is best for you. Do what gives you the most pleasure and happiness from. Stop beating on yourself and have fun and choose accordingly.

Your putting allot of pressure on yourself. And your blowing it. Use what u have confidence in and shoot the trad bow for fun and small game. Maybe your confidence will go up. Get a deer or 2 under your belt if you have the tags and he opportunities then go back and grab trad bow and have fun. You know u already got deer or two then it won't matter if you screw up and I bet you will smoke one!
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Offline mcgroundstalker

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #22 on: October 16, 2013, 07:38:00 AM »
You answered your own question... When the pressure was off, you hit a pine cone and a leaf from your stand... All you did was not pick a spot and follow through! That's why it's called "The Moment Of Truth". The 3D range is not hunting. Stump Shooting is not hunting. Practice in your back yard is not hunting. Part of being human, I guess, is being distracted.

Use your grey matter to calm down when it counts. Remember, an arrow goes where it's pointed. You do have what it takes, why give up?

... mike ...
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Offline Gdpolk

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #23 on: October 16, 2013, 07:47:00 AM »
Been there.  I chose to stick it out and am glad I did.  I don't get as many with trad gear but I enjoy the hunt more.  If I just need quick meat, I grab my 30-06.  If I want to enjoy my hunt, I grab my longbow.  I took away my training wheels by trading them for a pair of custom knives to match my longbow riser, one a bushcraft knife and the other a skinner made to my design.
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Offline KentuckyTJ

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #24 on: October 16, 2013, 08:09:00 AM »
Is your family going hungry?
The fulfillment of your hunt is determined by the amount of effort you put into it  >>>---->

Offline longbowman

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #25 on: October 16, 2013, 08:11:00 AM »
How's this.  I had taken 57 big game animals with stick bows.  Bear, bull elk, mulies, whitetails.  I had a string of 12 seasons, 12 shots and 12 deer.  I had a magnum buck in at 8 yds.  Had already picked the spot on the wall for the rack.  I leaned out and shot right over him!  3 years later I had taken 3 deer but with a total of 12 shots!

I had let the pressure of success take over my mind right at release and it took me a total of 4 YEARS to finally over come it.  Quit????  If it weren't for the mind blowing, body shaking pressure of killing something with a stick bow I think we would all quit.

Offline Bowwild

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #26 on: October 16, 2013, 08:23:00 AM »
You have been toughing it out. Some folks would have given up on miss number 1.

As you have already deduced, there is something going on physically or mentally that makes your shot different on targets vs. deer.  One very simple thing you can do is to visualize shots well-made as you are preparing for and executing the shot. For example on shots that are less than 13 yards I calm myself by remembering I've practiced this "pool table" shot on my home range (next to the pool table) thousands of times.

I'm going to assume you shoot pins with a compound because most people, with today's very short bows do.  I'm also going to assume you are trying to shoot "instinctive" with your recurve?

If so, it is highly likely, during the distracting pressure presented by a shot at deer you are seeing the point of your arrow (subconsciously) and putting that point on the spot you are looking at on the deer. If the deer is inside of 25 yards and you are shooting a normal set-up, your arrow is going to go high every time. To help explain this most recurve archers know their "point-on" distance is 35-60 yards (shorter for the 3-under shooter, longer for split finger). Imagine if your point on is 35 yards and you put the point of the arrow "on" the center of the lungs -- HIGH Miss.

I did this in the early 1970's and didn't know why. An Olympic archer coach and accomplished recurve hunter explained it to me in 2010.

I now use this tendency to my advantage. I string walk. Do I still miss? Yep, I'm 6 for 8 on white-tails these past 3 years since my return to recurves. I killed #1, didn't kill #2 and #3, and have killed #4-#8.

Basically, for almost any normal rig I set my fingers (3-under) one index finger width below the nock of the arrow for 20 yards. I set it 1.5 finger widths for 15. Then I consciously see the point of the arrow on the spot I want to hit. I don't try to hold that arrow point on the spot, just like a proper sight-pin hold I allow it to move in order to enjoy self-correction. (If you try to force a lock-steady hold your groups will expand.)

Works for  me.

Of course if I described this sighting method on another site or two I'd be branded a heretic and unworthy to hold a recurve.  Some of those critics don't even know how to scout well enough to be presented a shot at a deer.

Offline Trumpkin the Dwarf

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #27 on: October 16, 2013, 08:26:00 AM »
There is nothing wrong with your setup. The treesharks will fly funny when you have mind games going on. A bad release does not mix well with those broadheads. I know this from personal experience.

Use the Stingers, and try drawing on a few deer without shooting them. With three misses you have plenty of opportunities to do this. Just hit your anchor, pick a spot, and expand until your muscles are screaming for a release, then let down.
Malachi C.

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Offline ChuckC

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #28 on: October 16, 2013, 08:30:00 AM »
Your choice,  but. . .

I think you should optimize your rig (arrows, broadheads, etc so you like your shooting again.  Use a realistic head, not the biggest or fanciest. .  just one that flies well all the time.

Then,  shoot some very close deer. Really close, not 20 yards, but 10.  In every case, pick a spot before you draw.  Focus on it or not, but pick it.

Then do your shot thing.  Hit the spot. At that point, forget the deer and everything else, only the spot.

I think closer deer need to be harvested before you spread out to farther deer.  Picking a spot gets more difficult as you get farther away from your target, especially when there is not one painted on the "bale".

It is my thought that "not picking a spot" is the number one reason for misses at game, period.


Offline Hermon

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #29 on: October 16, 2013, 08:33:00 AM »
Originally posted by Gator1:
Some great input here Tim

One point you made at the end was the tuning.

It appears in your post the broad head change may have caused a tuning issue.

Going back to your stingers as you said tightened up your group.  Your solution is in your post regarding your arrow flight.
I agree with this.  If the broadheads were not flying good, it might be that your part of the shot was good, but the arrows/broadheads were the problem.  Good luck.

Offline TJK68

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #30 on: October 16, 2013, 08:35:00 AM »
Take your time, slow down, don't rush your shot, enjoy  the hunt. We all miss, part of the game no one is perfect. I have had a couple bad experiences this year as well, totally my fault. Just relax, take your time. If you decide this is not for you then so be it, whatever you hunt with enjoy it. I have made mistakes and plenty of them, but I enjoy the good times of Trad hunting to much to ever go back. Hunting is supposed to be a relaxing, fun experience, don't be so hard on yourself.   :thumbsup:  

Offline deerhunter_w

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #31 on: October 16, 2013, 08:39:00 AM »
Stay with it. I have missed three this year in search of my first tad deer. Finally connected last night. Best feeling in the world.
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Offline ron w

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #32 on: October 16, 2013, 08:45:00 AM »
Your getting shots.......My first shot was in 1971, my second shot was Oct 7 2013. Keep at it and just focus, don't shoot at the deer, pick a hair. Oh yea, both of my shots missed.
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Offline Bobby Urban

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #33 on: October 16, 2013, 08:52:00 AM »
It's not for everyone.  Maybe you just are not mentally in the zone to be able to do it with trad gear at a level you want/need?  I feel way more comfortable with a stick and string than a wheel bow and all the devices involved because there is so much less to think about for me and that makes me a better predator but not everyone feels the same.  I have missed animals with all kinds of equipment so it happens but I just feel better with a recurve or longbow when hunting.  

If you sit in the tree thinking "I wish I had my compound" you probably will continue to have moderate success at best.  On the other hand, if you sit in the tree with said compound and think "I wish I was hunting with my longbow" you will likely have a moderate sense of accomplishment even if you do score"  

Tough spot to be and riding the fence hurts your balls!  The only person that can make that choice is you - ask not what tool to use for the job but what tool provides "you" with the greatest sense of accomplishment when the job is done.  If they are equal then go with the one that brings that sense more often until "more often" is no longer important.


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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #34 on: October 16, 2013, 09:12:00 AM »
whats more important to you? Killing deer or how you kill them?  Once you truthfully answer that question then you will know what you should do.
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Offline tradarcher816

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #35 on: October 16, 2013, 09:45:00 AM »
If you enjoy trad then don't give up. I smoked the first doe I ever drew on the blew my next several shots. Came out of it and then fell back into a rut. Mine has been lack of shot opportunities for the last several years. I could try to explain that away but it's of no consequence, the fact remains that I've not shot a deer with my bow in a couple of years. This got me really down, especially with a buddy who seems to amble out in the woods when ever and slay bruiser after bruiser. Not exactly the same set of circumstances but I asked the same questions of "should I quit?" Go back to my compound? Or rifle? But the bottom line is, I love shooting trad. I love every aspect of it, and I have resolved to learn and improve myself even if it takes a long time, and means that I don't enjoy the same level of "success" as my buddies. The reward is worth the challenge to me. This year has been very slow for me again so far only having hunted a handful of times. But I will improve, I'll find my shot opportunity and ill have my time. The only one that can answer your question is the one who looks you in the mirror. My advice would be, if you love it don't give it up, endeavor to persevere. Hope all this jabbering helps somehow.
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Offline Sean B

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #36 on: October 16, 2013, 09:50:00 AM »
Tim, I read some of the replies, but not all..there's some great advise.  Here's mine. I've been at the trad game for 23 yrs, 32 all together bowhunting. (not as long as some, but longer than many)  I've had some spectacular misses on some pretty big whitetails with both compound and recurves.  it happens, its part of the game.  That's why its called hunting and not shooting. You're not alone.

 First of all, its just a deer. That's they way that you need to think of it.  NO PRESSURE.  If you need to split the time between a compound and stick and string, do it.  Get some meat in the freezer first.  I made the decision to go all trad about 6 yrs ago.  Before that, I went back and forth. I got a few deer under my belt before I made the switch.  

My buddy's going through the same thing.  Hes shot a few nice bucks with his recurve, but he feels that he didn't hit them good enough.  His confidence is gone, but He really doesn't feel the joy in taking one with a compound.....tough situation.  You need to just get back on your horse and ride.

I missed a lot in the beginning. I had older bowhunters who started with recurves, that went compound in the '70's, really give it too me about my choice of bow.  I didn't let it get to me.  I was determined to take a deer with my recuve, and I did.  It gets easier after the first.

 If we all gave up after only 3 misses, this would be a pretty lonely site! Good luck!
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Offline EHK

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #37 on: October 16, 2013, 09:53:00 AM »

Lots of good responses here, and I'll weigh in with my own opinion.  If you enjoy shooting traditional, then don't give up on it.  

As you eluded to in your post though, we do have a responsibility to be ethical in our pursuit of game animals.  If you've missed 3 that you thought were within your responsible range, then my opinion is that something is wrong with your practice routine.  Shooting from elevation is different from shooting at ground level and the tendency is to shoot high if you don't practice enough from elevation.  Ask me how I know and why I only hunt from the ground.  I don't have the ability to practice from a stand frequently enough to be proficient and that keeps me grounded.  You can still be successful there and it's a lot of fun.

Also, things like not picking a spot and short-drawing should not happen IF your shot sequence is really grooved.  Making that happen takes longer than a week.  Maybe think about doing so close bail work.  Maybe try a draw-check of some kind.  the shooters form forum is loaded with good information.  Change the way you practice until that shot is grooved, so when your mind is fully focused on the animal in front of you, your subconscious mind runs a good shot sequence.  

As others have said, this should be fun, but that doesn't mean it won't take work.  I don't mean this to sound harsh in any way.  I was in your shoes at the end of last year.  Changing the way I practiced, and the way I hunt has taken my shooting to another level, but it's still work for me.  Work that I love to do.  Just something to think about & I hope you find the right answer for yourself.

Offline Bill Carlsen

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #38 on: October 16, 2013, 11:42:00 AM »
All that comes to mind is take a look at what Tom Brady did in last week's game against the Saints. There are times when we all need a bit of what Brady has going for  him whether you love him or hate him.
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Offline Mint

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #39 on: October 16, 2013, 11:59:00 AM »
First, retune your bow with your arrows and field points and then get your broadheads flying perfect. I think a 40 grain jump in broadhead weight with the same arrow is to much, at least for my bows for both arrows to tune correctly.

Second, wait for a close shot of 10 or 15 yards on a relaxed deer and get it done.

Same thing happened to me on a hog hunt, shot over a hog and missed. I wounded a hog that I shot too high from the treestand and i was a nervous wreck thinking about wounding another. The next day at camp, I practiced on form and tuning and waited for a perfect shot and drilled the next hog i shot at.
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