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Author Topic: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)  (Read 4590 times)

Offline TraditionalGuy

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #60 on: October 16, 2013, 07:28:00 PM »
Like everyone else on here, I too can relate. But for me, it isn't the missed shot that has me reconsidering traditional from time to time, but rather the complete lack of any shot. Hunting the black tails of California are, in my opinion, the toughest dear in the country to hunt. Black Tails are tough, but the seasons in California are ridiculously hot and dry. I'm lucky to get a single shot all year long, this year not even allowing me that. I would kill for 3 shots in a day. Many of the game I have seen this year I could have easily taken with a rifle, and a few I could have taken with the wheels, but not one was close enough for my range (30 or less). At the end of the day, I am more satisfied with taking what little game I can with a long bow than getting the biggest buck with a rifle or wheels. But that's just me. Everyone needs to figure it out for themselves. If it isn't fun, then what's the point of hunting anyway? Buying plastic wrapped meat at the local market is way easier and cheaper.
“For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.”
H. L. Mencken

Offline tracker12

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #61 on: October 16, 2013, 07:50:00 PM »
I quit hunting with my compound cause there was no challenge.  You want to just kill deer go back to the wheel bow.  Want a challenge stick it out.  I think in the long run it will be worth it when that first deer hits the ground.

Offline Stone Knife

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #62 on: October 16, 2013, 08:49:00 PM »
I missed 5 deer my first year hunting trad, after those I shot a small button buck and filled every tag I had that year with a longbow. Stick with it and you will overcome, now I have killed more deer with trad than I ever did with a compound.
Proverbs 12:27
The lazy do not roast any game,
but the diligent feed on the riches of the hunt.

John 14:6

Offline gringol

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #63 on: October 16, 2013, 09:10:00 PM »
If it isn't fun anymore, you should quit.  For me I have more fun missing with a longbow than I do killing with a gun.  But that's just me...

Offline Mr. fingers

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #64 on: October 16, 2013, 10:25:00 PM »
Wow wow wow wow wow .
5 pages of responses I'm speechless .      :notworthy:          :notworthy:       Thank you!!!
You guys and gals have made me feel better by the out pouring of support and advice. And some very good  points  and observations. And that I'm not the only one who has missed more thn twice in one season. One that stands out was the point I made about I hunt to harvest deer.  And the response was  why is you family starving? That one really gave me an epiphany.  I said in the beginning of the year I was going all trad this season I'm not even going to look at my protec . I don't care if I miss or don't get a deer I'm doing it,with my recurve. My son actually called me on this one as I was getting the wheeler ready to go last weekend. I blew him off saying yah well I lied. But he did get me thinking. And so did all of you. I guess I don't like to fail but those who are afraid to fail,will never succeed. ( I heard that somewhere)
Oh  for the record I have taken two deer with trad. Actually the first deer I ever shot at   with my recurve I killed . The second deer the wolves got before I did. Funny both those deer were with my stingers and shooting 3 under. Mmmmm.
Thanks again to all I wish I could reply to each one of you who posted. But it took me a long time just to read them  all and I did. I have some confidence building to do  I did set up a new stand on Monday and the lanes I prepared are shorter shots I may have to bring the recurve maybe.
Thanks again
Endeavor to persevere!    I read that on a couple posts on here even before  this season started I was thinking of having that inscription put on my next bow.       :)

Offline Riegel

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #65 on: October 16, 2013, 10:41:00 PM »
Keep at it man, my first year I wounded 2 deer and completely missed high. Just tell yourself you can shoot good, keep that confidence. I finally connected this year, and a week later I missed low. You're going to miss some time or another, its hunting. But I seem to enjoy the encounters, whether I kill something or not. Ive learned to enjoy the hunt for what it brings me rather than just killing something. Going all trad has really changed my perception on hunting, definitely for the better.
Hoyt Dorardo 50#
'61 Bear Kodiak 45#

Offline AkDan

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #66 on: October 17, 2013, 04:06:00 AM »
you know this had me thinking the last few days.  I'm sure theres been some great posts on the whys or why nots to quit.  but like was said only you can make that choice.

My thoughts?

Personally I think success really needs to be thought hard on!   Find the fun in it again.  Its obvious you CAN shoot.  You're brains going to go bezerks trying to sort all this out.  

STOP trying to kill something and have fun.  go stumping, maybe go hog hunting or small game hunting, just get out again! Fall asleep in the treestand and smell the oaks, hear the birds, watch the sunrise and set and be thankful you've had the opportunity to be part of it.    

I too have fought this.  After one of the bigger highlites of my bowhunting career, 2 days later I had almost an ulitmate low.  From shooting an Alaskan Dall, to missing a monster grizz at 15 yards a foot over his back.  I knew right than and their I was done for, I had to quit.   With some help I pounded through it and those days are gone.  Though the drive to get out isnt the driving force of my life,  I still look foward too it.

For me....
Success is coming home safe, seeing and enjoy everything traditional archery has to offer.  And every once in a blue moon (with a silver lining), I punch a tag.


I just realized where you're at, next time I'm home I'll likely be driving through I have family north of you.  Not to mention you're in silly chicken heaven!

Offline Roger Norris

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #67 on: October 17, 2013, 06:53:00 AM »
Precisely the reason I only take "Slam Dunk" shots....I don't think I have taken a shot past 15 yards in a long time.

Also, I notice 2 things with guys newer to traditional archery (not saying you, but consider)..new guys don't practice out of treestands enough. It's different. You need to practice the way you hunt.

And new guys tend to not practice with their broadheads much....I'm convinced it's because they aren't good at re-sharpening.

Shooting a recurve or longbow well is a lot more simple than we make it out to be. Tune your bow/arrows.Practice. Be consistent. You will get their.

"Good Lord....well, your new name is Sledge."
Ron LaClair upon seeing the destruction of his new lock on the east gate

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G. Fred Asbell

Offline tracker12

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #68 on: October 17, 2013, 07:09:00 AM »
Those remarks are spot on.  This was my first year back to trad and I have done exactly what you stated.  I have been shooting my BHs's at my 3D target from an elevated stand all summer long.  Max 20 yards.  And knowing I wanted my shots to be no longer that 18 yards I repositioned all my stands that would afford me those shots.  Also lowered them to no more than 15' to improve my posture and shot angle.  So far this year it has worked.  I took my first buck with trad gear in a long time and have also taken two doe.  Funny thing for me is that I consistently make a better first arrow shot out of the three stand than the ground.

Offline flinthead

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #69 on: October 17, 2013, 07:16:00 AM »
As has been said...only you can judge what you want out of archery hunting. I shoot trad. mostly year around 3-d, stumpin, small game hunting,  ect. Shoot one compound for field archery and one compound for Deer hunting. Just am not consistant enough to take a chance on wounding a deer. My choice, my hunt. I know this is a Trad. site and not trying to start a conflict. I hunt deer to kill deer, and my Mathews compound makes a more dependable shot.I also have killed a spike and a doe with a Widow PSA recurve. One opinion. Thanks, Roy
Maybe it is time to shoot what I have on the rack

Online Terry Green

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #70 on: October 17, 2013, 07:22:00 AM »
I will have to STRONGLY disagree that you will miss more than you hit.  If that were the case for me I'd be a bird watcher.

I mean no disrespect, but I expect more out of myself to hit AND kill more animals than I miss.

The ONLY time I expect more missed than hits is when I'm pheasant hunting.

COMMITMENT and Animal behavior knowledge when the window opens makes for very few misses.
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Offline AkDan

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #71 on: October 17, 2013, 08:49:00 AM »
well that and you'd look like a real hillbilly in knickers and a golf hat Terry haha!

Offline Jeff Roark

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #72 on: October 17, 2013, 09:09:00 AM »
Originally posted by Terry Green:
I will have to STRONGLY disagree that you will miss more than you hit.  If that were the case for me I'd be a bird watcher.

I mean no disrespect, but I expect more out of myself to hit AND kill more animals than I miss.

The ONLY time I expect more missed than hits is when I'm pheasant hunting.

COMMITMENT and Animal behavior knowledge when the window opens makes for very few misses.
Taken out of context Terry. When you are beginner and inexperienced you're going to miss more. Not everyone can be stonecold superstar trad hunter when they begin. A few maybe, but not many.

The flip side of that, read the thread again Terry. Many experienced hunters missing, and they expect the same as you.

Offline Swinestalker

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #73 on: October 17, 2013, 10:07:00 AM »
I had to change my way of thinking after several disappointments. Putting the experience first and results second really helped me. I waffled back and forth between wheels and trad for years after some truly spectacular failures. In hindsight, sure wish I would have stuck with trad only from the start and worked through the learning curve sooner. We need to all thank God for failure, without it's bitterness, the sweetness of success would not taste so good. Good luck my friend.
Having done so much, with so little, for so long, I can now do anything with nothing.

Offline nineworlds9

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #74 on: October 17, 2013, 11:00:00 AM »
Don't you dare ring that bell!!  You're almost there!!  You're just going through your trad 'hell week'.  Keep at it!!
52" Texas Recurve
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Offline buckeye_hunter

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #75 on: October 17, 2013, 04:15:00 PM »
Get them close... Real close and don't climb very high. Use good cover and shoot them at 10 yards or less.

Offline Stone Knife

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #76 on: October 17, 2013, 04:21:00 PM »
Originally posted by Terry Green:
I will have to STRONGLY disagree that you will miss more than you hit.  If that were the case for me I'd be a bird watcher.

I mean no disrespect, but I expect more out of myself to hit AND kill more animals than I miss.

The ONLY time I expect more missed than hits is when I'm pheasant hunting.

COMMITMENT and Animal behavior knowledge when the window opens makes for very few misses.
My feelings exactly, I love the outdoors and enjoy it when I'm hunting but I plan on coming home with something every time I head to the woods.
Proverbs 12:27
The lazy do not roast any game,
but the diligent feed on the riches of the hunt.

John 14:6

Offline backstrap_provider

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #77 on: October 17, 2013, 09:23:00 PM »
Everybody has made good contributions here...I must admit that my first season I missed 7 deer with my recurve...I learned two things from those experiences:

1. I personally am not capable of snap shooting effectively...I must hold at full draw for at least a second or so to get a good sight picture, especially when I am shooting at an animal.

2. Secondly, I am way better with a longbow.  Never really started grouping well until I made the switch (to be fair, maybe I have not come across the right recurve?)

Above all I would just say it takes some time, but the payout is tremendous...just look at the folks on this site...we are all obsessed, there must be something to it right?   :confused:  

Stick with it and success will come! good luck

Offline Bow Bum

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #78 on: October 17, 2013, 11:03:00 PM »
I wussed out a couple years ago after a poor hit with my recurve. So I grapped the mech bow, and propmptly missed the first one by at 10 yards because the drop away messed up...

I'm pretty commited this year. If things work out half way good. I'll be rewarding myself by selling the wheels and getting a new recurve.

In the end, hunt with what you want. Nothing wrong with that.

Good luck,


Offline dragonheart

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Re: 3 strikes I'm out (I'm thinking of quitting trad)
« Reply #79 on: October 17, 2013, 11:42:00 PM »
There are guys that will go for years without even an opportunity.  You are getting shots at game.  Gratitude is the attitude.       :cool:
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