Well, since I don't have pics. I will tell the rest of the story details.
Just before 8am, 3 deer entered the field from the East, they came out of the swamp. As I wait to see how they wanna play out, I look behind me and see three more heading my way.
The entered the woods I am setting on the edge of and then work toward me for a short distance more and then re-enter the corn field and keep heading my direction.
The two youngsters(doe and button buck) step up off the field and walk directly under my tree stand. The nubber was between the tree and my ladder, the doe fawn was maybe 3 paces to my left.
The big ole doe was at about 15yds but behind some limbs. Just as she clears the limbs she turned and headed away from me.
When she turns back broadside, I squeaked to get her to stop, the little nubber turns inside out and knocks into my ladder. No worries tho, my sights are locked on and the fingers hit anchor and the arrow is away. My fletch appeared right where I was looking.
I watched her make her way to the swamp and marked where she went in.
The arrow hit right where I wanted it to but she must have turned just a bit at impact, she went to far while I watched her so I knew my shot was not as intended. This ole girl was hanging on hard, so I decided to leave her alone until this morning and then found her just 25-30yds from where she went into the swamp.
The broadhead half of the arrow was only 10-11 steps from impact, and the fletch was maybe 30yds more.
I was worried about spoilage and yotes but everything is just fine. parts are in the cool garage and we shall eat high tomorrow, we have plans for this eve.
Thanks all,