Ferret, at this point I am just trying to get through the season. Perhaps at a later time.
The field points had more than enough steel to simply grind them to shape while attached to the end of an arrow shaft. It is done freehand.
I don't think an aluminum jig would hold up. the hacksaw would keep enlarging the slot. The jig was made from two pieces of steel clamped together and then a hole is drilled right down the middle so each half gets half a hole. the material lost during the cut is replaced by gluing the hacksaw blade in place.
It takes 5 mins to grind the shoulders of the field tip and less time to slot. 10 mins to cut out one blade with a Dremmel tool and then the rest is polish, braze and blue. I bet I have an hour in each head.
Owlbait, Yes, that is the head I had at the blanket trade at Compton. Your wife bought one of them.