I am working up a set of a dozen arrows and I used a red stain for the shafts, and I did my first white crown dip- I am using gasket laquer.
I stained the shafts this morning, and dipped a test shaft this afternoon and I noticed I got some bleed out into my dip tubes from both the red stain and the white crown dip. I followed up with a dozen bare shafts as to try and get some of that color and white out of the tube.
how do I keep this from happening? I did thin the gasket laquer slightly with acetone (not much though) and the stain I used this time is the Fiebings Leather Dye. I don't know how to proceed now, I don't want to contaminate my base gasket laquer, and I wanted these shafts done by this weekend.
would love some help on this- I used the search earlier and didnt find much.