AGAIN, The Snuffer is an AWESOME Broadhead!!!!!
Simply pointing out an observation... and not meaning to start anything!!! "food for thought" so to speak.....
Years ago, I had a compound buddy, shooting a 60-70# or so bow, with "whatever" carbon arrows, and this mechanical whatever unremembered name broadhead, that was supossed to be the greatest thing since sliced bread. He showed me a shoulder blade he had shot & "blew right through!!!!!" I asked if he had another one??? He said yes, and went to the bonepile and handed it to me. We found an old foam couch pillow, and tied the shoulder blade in front of the pillow with a piece of string. We propped it up against the backstop, and I told him to go get his bow & shoot that one.....
The mechanical broadhead FAILED miserably!!!!!
So he say's OK Fred Bear! Let's see what that antique $hi+ of yours can do!!!!! So I get my 47" Grizzly, 50-55# DougFir arrow, tipped with a 125gr Zwickey Eskimo.....
The Zwickey BARELY made it to the back of the ferrule!!!!!
However... With alittle "workin' & wiggelin" I was able to get my broadhead out,touch it up, and put it back in my quiver!!!!!
Just one old Woodchucker's experiance.....