So a deer showed up right at Quitting time. The deer was a 8 yards, and I was on the ground, but had no shot. I waited and eventually the deer walked to the exact spot I missed the Coyote just a half hour before. I was using the arrows my nephews from California helped me to make.
( the black squiggly lines are flames ... " to make the arrow faster Uncle Bob".
I shot and saw the arrow disappear. There was a loud crack and the deer ran off ... I heard the deer crash within 10 seconds. After my daughter helped me track the deer ... I saw no hole in either side of the deer!
My arrow must have deflected on the exact same limb as the coyote shot. The arrow hit the brisket UNDER both legs and took out the heart and one lung. I can not believe my arrow got in there, I was sitting on the ground, the deer was broad side, yet I hit it under the body!
So I guess it is better to be lucky than good. I used the arrows my nephews made and still retrieved the deer even with a very unusual shot.
Sorry guys it is not a 10 point. This is the doe who has busted me for 3 weeks now.
Thanks for looking guys.