Thanks Mudd, I like to share my experiences and who doesn't like looking at pictures?
The deer in my area seem to be locked on a morning pattern, then nothing midday, nothing late evening until after dark and that's when the bucks come out. That to me seems like we are in the "seeking or searching phase" of the rut, which precedes the full rut. When the full rut kicks in that's when I start to see more bucks during daylight. I have yet to see any chasing going on. I did get busted on the ground by 2 does this morning, then about 20 min. later they came running back with a spike buck in tow. He was a little guy that fed for a few minutes just out of bow range or I would have put him in the freezer. LOL Anyway, still nice to see deer moving on a cold crisp morning, stout cold breeze out of the NW and I left when I got chilled.
I had to do a bit of work on this photo because the buck was so far away from my camera before it got a pic that it was nearly out of range. I inverted the black/white then highlighted the backlight, and sharpened. Looks like a nice buck and I can't tell from the pic but he may be or may not be one that I have on camera so far? Anyway, hope y'all enjoy!
I nicknamed this one the Ghost Buck.