I'm usually there before daylight. I had a young buck about 3 yards from my stand last Sunday about 10 minutes before legal light. I wouldn't have shot him anyway, but if I had waited until daylight to get there, I would have bumped him for sure. As it was, he had no clue I was there.
Every deer I have killed has been in the morning, I think, so it must work. The doe I shot this year was about 10 minutes after legal light. If I had waited until daylight to get there, I would not have had a chance at her.
Frankly, I'm not very good at still hunting. I move way too fast. I know it, but I can't seem to stop myself. I think a lot of when you get there depends on your own personality. I enjoy watching the woods come to life in the morning. Enjoyment is what I do this for, not for big bucks. I'd shoot one if I had the chance, but I'm not devastated if I don't. I have a doe in the freezer, so a buck is just a bonus at this point...or an excuse to be in the woods.