Looked for a long time (a couple years), and narrowed the field down to Cabela's commercial and the L.E.M.
I found a great sale on the .75 HP L.E.M. last Fall, and LOVE it! The power seems far beyond its HP rating. It eats through anything I can feed it, and I can't seem to throw meat down its throat fast enough for it to even notice! The "Big Bite" auger really pulls it through, avoiding the churning and chewing of my old system.
I have a Kitchen Aid attachment for our mixer, too. It is... OK. In my personal experience, the L.E.M. outperforms it (at least) 25:1 for speed and quality of grind.
I'd still be willing to consider a Cabela's if I needed a grinder, but L.E.M. is better than I expected, and a really excellent machine for my purposes. I don't think I'll ever need anything else in my lifetime!
Now, I just need to shoot a deer!!! :rolleyes: