I always love to see the Shrewhaven threads, and just generally any post from Ron. He has walked the walk for many, many years, and for most of us we can only scratch the surface of your experiences.
That said, when I read your post regarding man as an intruder to the wilderness, and those that hunt wolf as wolf "haters", I cringed. Those type of statements I expect from people that are diametrically opposed to the hunting lifestyle that we all love. I m never so at home as when I'm in the woods, the bigger the better. Humans are as native to the planet as wolves for sure, and as inhabitants of the southern edge of the UP, we've been there longer than these transplants.
As far as those that hunt wolf being"haters", does that make those that deer hunt "haters" of deer? I would think not only do we all resent that statement, we wouldn t tolerate that talk from anti s, why should we let it slide here.
Ron, your words carry much weight with me, always have. I can only imagine what people that are opposed to all hunting would do with them, given your long standing status as a sort of (usually) well spoken voice for those of us that enjoy the wilderness and hunting/trapping lifestyle.
This wolf situation in the UP effects me in several ways, I have a good friend on Armstrong Lake, I m there at various times throughout the year and see what my friend and his boys are going through with the quickly deteriorating deer situation.
It also effects me in that I'm in the process of building my own camp some 30 miles north of yours. I do like the thoughts of sharing the woods with ALL native species including wolves, but not to the point of watching them go unchecked as they did in northern, hell, all of Wisconsin. They have, with some other poor WDNR choices, decimated the herd there.
I'm hoping that maybe you just didn't chose your words as carefully as I would have. Your long standing stature in the hunting world will always have my respect, I hope that you can understand the thoughts I am trying to convey here.
Respectfully, John