Back in 1995, I suffered a High Voltage Electrical shock while working undernieth a train. 660volts right through the top of my melon, down my spine, and exiting out both my left & right arms which were resting on the iron truck frame. I was in intensive care for 3 days, and out of work for over 2 years. Bottom line is, I have a brain covered with numerous amounts a scar tissue & nerve damage and dexterity loss in both arms,hands, and fingers.
I have good strength in both arms and hands, however the control in my fingers, especialy my right hand is "inconsistant" to say the least!!!!! Many times while shooting, my fingers will "lock up" and a nice smooth release is practicaly impossible... This extremely compounds my on & off bouts of "target panic"!!! Most times when it happens, I end up throwing my release and end up with a "Holy Crap! Look where THAT one went!" shot, LMAO!!! Btw, I have NEVER even considered using a mechanical release.....
The one thing that I HAVE noticed over the years... Is that when I'm taking a perfectly natural, instintive shot. (like on game) I HAVE NO PROBLEMS AT ALL!!!! Whenever and whatever I'm shooting at, (deer,squirrels,stumps) I place all of my focus on the "spot" and just let my release happen "naturaly".....
I firmly believe, that at many times, we try "too" hard at practice... Instead of consentrating on "relax,focus,and shoot!" The more we "consentrate" on our shooting, the more we overload our brain & muscle memory, causing us to "overload" the system, and letting it break down, as opposed to just letting it happen "instinctively".
Just one old Woodchucker's thoughts.....