This post is aimed at the views expressed in this particular thread and not the fact that the this site limits certain discussion of equipment generally thought to be more modern. I agree with that position. This is Tradgang's site and I fully understand and agree with the rules established here.
I have shot traditional archery equipment my entire life ( more than 40 years)and I have never used any other type of bow. I can remember walking into archery shops 25 years ago and hearing the snickers from the guys with their compounds. I was different from them and it never one time bothered me for a single moment and at no time did I ever feel the need to justify my equipment to anyone. I hunt the way I hunt for me.
This entire thread is unsettling to say the least. As trad archers we are all "different" from the norm. If you use a bow that is bent with a single string, you are a traditional archer. To debate what is "traditional" is futile. Traditional is a mindset and is opinion based on the desires of every individual. To some it is wearing buckskin and shooting a self bow. To others it is goretex and a new Black Widow. To argue that most in the traditional community disagree with a particular type of equipment (in this case a release) could always be met with the argument that we all, and I mean ALL use equipment and other things that enhance our chances to bag game that were not used 30-40 years ago. Words like wool, razorheads, natural ground blind, leather and paper maps have been replaced with GPS, google earth, phenolic, carbon, gortex, trail cameras, and tree stands. Does this make us less of a traditional archer?
In this particular case,(mechanical release) they have been around long, long before most all of the materials that are used in modern traditional archery so to debate them while using any single material (carbon, gortex, etc.) gadgets (tree stands, gps, range finder, cell phones for weather, trailcams) or aids such as 4 wheelers and such, seems to be a double standard.
I have shot a release on and off for a few years for both medical (shoulders) and to battle TP that has haunted me for 30+ years. I have never thought it made my shooting easier. Actually it makes it more difficult but at times it makes shooting for me both physically possible and ethical from an accuracy point of view while hunting. I HATE shooting a release. I long for the simplicity of my tab but I have a responsibility to the animals I hunt. I don't say this as justification. I don't need an OK from anyone to hunt the way I want to hunt and neither should anyone else. When I go back and forth to fingers, I do it because I want to. I sat in my stand this morning and thought to myself that unless your bow is made of a single piece of wood, your string is animal part based, your arrows wood and your broadhead stone, you really have no place telling others what is acceptable regardless of what the opinion of the masses might be. As I thought more of it, however, I think that even if you hunt in a loin cloth and chunk a spear you still have to respect that this is a HIGHLY individualized sport. We have to do what makes us ethical hunters and we have to do what our heart tells us is right and makes us happy. We also need to let others do the same. Again, this is not aimed at what is allowed on the site but this particular thread of discussion.
I normally steer well clear from the rare controversial topics on this site and I certainly don't mean to be controversial with this post. It is nothing more than my opinion and I also respect that you all have opinions too. This one just got to me. This entire thread has been disturbing and disappointing. It reminds me of watching my best friends in a hurtful fight when neither one is right and no good can come from it.
Live and let live.