First of all I don't want to get into the actually shooting dynamics of clickers and TP. I would like this to be more of a Pow wow type post.
After a couple years of an emotional roller coaster I am finally free of my clicker, my shooting is good, and I'm in control of my shot.
I just want the guys that are going through shooting problems to know that hard work, patience, and seeking out the right help can give you your life back.
I don't have anything against clickers but for me it just never felt right on my bow and I looked at it as an added failure point. I like to hunt on my terms and TP almost caused me to give up more than once. At one point I was pricing all kinds of wheeled contraptions and telling myself a full freezer will make me happy. Truth is being in the woods with my trad bow is what makes me happy.
Never give up!