As first mornings go this one was above average. We retired to the cabin to grab some grub and compare notes.
I had a place I wanted to check out mid day as did Charlie and Charlie.After dining on fine Wisconsin cheeses and some fantastic bear summer sausage made by the many talented Charlie the elder (hence forth known as Chuck).
Tom had brought about 20 pounds of his own recipe cookies and those served us for desert. They also served as a distraction sitting there on the cabinet every time I walked by.
After pouring over the aerial maps which seemed to always cover the kitchen table we found our way to the woods for some light scouting.
I wanted to check an area Terry Green had found a couple of years ago. We'd pulled right up to the bottle neck area I was interested in and watched a buck dart from the open into the handy cover of a nearby ditch. The ditches are always where the heavy cover and timber are around these farms.
It's just not practical to crowd them very closely with farm equipment so they grow untouched.
We were looking for evidence of feeding. Whether beans or acorns or in some cases a trail leading to a neighboring corn field.
What we found was that acorns weren't as scarce as we'd feared. They seemed drawn to the tiny, striped Pin Oak acorn with occasional white oaks drawing some interest.
Along the edge of the trees just north of an equipment track I found a very promising situation.
A scrape had been pawed in the dry dirt of the field edge. Along that same section a Pin Oak dropped it's bounty and the presence of droppings in the middle of it all gave me hope.

I'd put a ladder stand up right there in the very tree that was dropping it's acorns.
Soon the deed was done. The stand was up and a minimum of trimming had been done for shooting opportunities.
That's the way I like them. Minimalist trimming and right over the food source. I'd deal with shooting situations as they presented themselves and the close proximity of tree to food would help with the wind situation.
We pulled out of there as quickly as possible so the others could get set up.