I'm back and thank you for bearing with me.
I felt really good and kept feeling this steady wind from the North. Northwest to be precise.
The wind was actually gusty but steady and then simply stop as if Mother Nature turned the wind switch on and off.
I made a decision to hunt a stand that I have in the thickets back there that where I would have a good approach and enter the stand with the wind in my face.
So off to the shower I went to wash away the smells of the city and slip into my hunting clothes.
It was a cold day so I bundled up pretty good with layers and all the sorted items we traditional bowhunters take with us.
Out the door I went and did'nt walk 5 steps when John came to my mind once again.
What the hell is wrong with me today? I'm all messed up in my head I thought to myself.....
So, I went back in the house and took one of John's arrows out and I took one of his broadheads off and put it in the chest pocket of my safety vest, close to my heart and off I went.
I'm not typically a sentimental type but
this day was different.
Did'nt take long to get in my stand and settle in.
I sat there for a couple hours all the while being kept company by a cute Lil doe.
She would go back and forth into the apple trees and feed.
My stand is situated on the east side of these apple trees with a huge thicket between us.
The day was wonderful, yet different.
That wind would turn on and off along with snow and blow sideways for a few moments at times.
Then simply stop completely.
Anyway, with 5pm approaching, I decided to give the grunt tube a try.
I blew only once and HE grunted back! Yes He.
There was a buck in those thickets!
I was shocked to say the least. I grabbed the bow and stood up and faced the direction of his grunt.
Planting my feet firmly and readying myself,
I grunted once more and HE grunted right back but this time it was louder and closer.
As if on cue, the wind started blowing and the snow came down in a hurry! I was trying very hard to stay focused and out of the the thickets He came out and was facing me.
His ears were back, stiff legged and He was clearly looking for a fight!
I never took my eyes off of him. I could see He was a good buck instantly.
He was facing me and I needed him to turn to expose his vitals and He did.
I had a small window to shoot through and the turkey fletched gold tip arrow flew true.
The buck fell in his tracks as the arrow had severed his spine. A following arrow was loosed with the hope of easing any suffering.
I was never so humbled,grateful,joyous and sad at the same time.
My neighbor and friend Tony was called and he immediately came to help me.
John was with me. I felt his spirit and I know he sent this buck to me.
But, on the contrary.... this buck is for you John!
Rest in peace.